The Power of Everyday Mindfulness: Embracing the Unexpected

In our fast-paced world, practicing everyday mindfulness and not always choosing our path can have profound positive effects despite this option not always being the easiest.

By being present and open to the unexpected, we experience gratitude, resilience, adaptability, creativity, deeper relationships, and a sense of purpose. However, we have to be open to this possibility.

Today was no exception, my usual occupation on this particular morning was not happening and I had loads of other jobs I needed to complete, one of which was that my dog needed a walk.

I didn’t need one or so I thought. I set off up the path from my house full of thoughts in my mind and quickly became very frustrated with Bailey who apparently needs to sniff every blade of grass in existence. I tugged on his lead, with an exclamation of “come on … I haven’t got all day, …. really every blade of grass.. get a move on”! 

When I suddenly caught myself and what I was doing.  


Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally,” says Kabat-Zinn. “And then I sometimes add, in the service of self-understanding and wisdom.”.

So I stopped and noted how I was feeling in this present moment – uptight, tense muscles, a million thoughts going around in my head, frustration. None of which were ever going to make Bailey walk faster or stop sniffing grass. Taking a deep breath, I let my shoulders relax, and with a long exhale I let out my held frustrations. I put away my phone and adjusted how I was walking whilst letting Bailey off the lead, thereby reducing the physical tug on my body and consequently my mind.

Mindfulness is the awareness that arises that then gives way to deeper understanding and isn’t always comfortable but if we can cultivate this awareness, we are in a much better place to respond to life’s situations not just be in a constant state of reactivity. Can I stress again that this isn’t an easy task and it’s an ongoing practice.



By cultivating presence and gratitude, mindfulness helps us appreciate the present moment and find gratitude in simple joys. Watching Bailey spring like a gazelle in and out of long tall grass brought such pleasure to that moment. Being able to develop resilience and adaptability has supported me in the last 6 very tough years by being able to embrace the unexpected however difficult and challenging. It’s always a work in progress. Letting go of control especially when that control is not even in your capacity encourages creative thinking and innovative solutions.

Being fully present with on this occasion my dog enhanced a deeper connection and empathy towards his needs, which ultimately was what I also needed, to be out in the fresh air and accepting of the situation. 

Embracing the unknown can lead to unexpected paths, finding deeper meaning and purpose in life. Realising this might not happen on my time frame is also a lesson, but allowing myself to really feel and acknowledge those feelings is so important.


Mindfulness with Heartfelt Ways

By practicing everyday mindfulness and embracing the unexpected, I am able to unlock a range of positive effects. I have discovered gratitude, resilience, creativity, deeper relationships, and a sense of purpose. Let me help you embark on a mindful journey where life’s magic unfolds in surprising and wondrous ways.

Find our more about mindfulness with Heartfelt Ways and take a look at our “Retreat Days” on the website.

Vanessa White - Heartfelt Ways inn Huddersfield

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