Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress
Harness the power of your unconscious mind to master Anxious or Stressful Situations
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress
Stress is a natural response to threatening situations. It is necessary in order to trigger the flight or fight response in our bodies that keeps us safe. However prolonged exposure can eventually lead to it being stored in our bodies and resulting in anxiety.
Anxiety can also be caused how we think about stressful situations, people or places. It is how we manage or don’t manage that process that leads to long term problems.
Once the this system is triggered and remains on high alert it puts the body under stress. When this happens it can result in chronic stress and anxiety.

What is Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress
Clinical hypnotherapy supports people to manage their stress and anxiety through deep relaxation , reminding the body what that feels like and then changing mindsets and thought processes at the subconscious level to re programme those neural pathways that have led to an override situation.
Hypnosis is a well-established practice that has been shown to be an effective solution for people wanting to manage Anxiety or Stress.
While others may look to medicate the issues, hypnotherapy works by breaking the associations from within the mind and provides mechanisms to manage.
All Hypnotherapy can be delivered online or in person
What Does It Cost?
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress is usually 5 x one hour sessions initially, and then as required by the client. Each client will be different and have unique needs. We will discuss this at the consultation.
Block 5 x One Hour Session £275
Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress Issues in Huddersfield
Vanessa offers Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress in Huddersfield from the Heartfelt Ways Healing Centre just out of the Town Centre.
Fully qualified and with years of experience in the field, Vanessa works closely with clients to manage a wide variety of issues.
If you’re looking for Hypnotherapy for Anxiety & Stress in Huddersfield and you’re ready to discuss the issue with a professional, then why not follow the link to Enquire & Book? There’s a short form we need completing ahead of the consultation, but once we have that, Vanessa will call you back to discuss the service further.